The Most Important Marketing Tool (That CMO's Have Never Heard Of)

Give your agents the gift of leverage with VSL's

A video sales letter (VSL) is a type of sales pitch delivered through a video format. The goal of a VSL is to persuade viewers to take action, typically to purchase a product or service. A well-crafted VSL can be a highly effective way to generate sales in your sleep and increase conversions by pre-selling. Here's a framework you can use to create a powerful VSL:

Attention-Grabbing Opening: Start your VSL with a powerful hook that captures your viewer's attention. This could be a provocative question, a bold statement, or a startling statistic that sets the stage for your message.

“Hey there, are you a homeowner looking to sell your property? If so, you're in the right place! I'm [Your Name], a local real estate agent with a passion for helping people get the most out of their home sale. Today, I'm going to share with you the secrets to getting the best possible price for your property, and how I can help you achieve your real estate goals.”

Identify the Problem: Once you have your viewer's attention, identify the problem that your product or service solves. Clearly articulate the pain points that your target audience is experiencing, and show them why these problems are urgent and important.

“Selling a home can be a daunting task, especially in today's market. Maybe you're worried about getting a fair price for your property, or you're concerned about the time and effort it takes to find the right buyer. Perhaps you're unsure about the process of listing and showing your home, or you're simply overwhelmed by the many options available to you.”

Introduce Your Solution: After you've established the problem, introduce your solution. Explain how your product or service solves the problem in a unique and compelling way. Be sure to highlight the key benefits and features of your solution, and show your viewers why it's the best option on the market.

“That's where I come in. As a seasoned real estate professional, I have the knowledge and expertise to guide you through every step of the home-selling process. From pricing your property to marketing it to the right buyers, I know how to get results. I use the latest technology and data-driven insights to create a customized plan that's tailored to your unique needs and goals. Let me show you my proven system that is guaranteed to find buyers for your home.

[Show Your Screen]

Our distinction from our contemporaries lies in our capacity to accurately pinpoint potential home shoppers within a certain ZIP code [using HomeMeta]. Through our algorithms and omni-channel marketing resources, we can predict the marketability of your home prior to finalizing any agreement. To do this with you in real time, click the button below. We can also evaluate the expected demand based on your proposed listing price - whether increasing the price may result in losing out on some potential buyers, and whether this would make a difference.

During our conversation, we can help you understand the value your home could acquire with renovations. We'll be able to tell you which projects should be taken up for a beneficial ROI, as well as which should be avoided - since the success of the former depends on locality and the buyers' preferences within the neighborhood.

  1. [Show HomeMeta - within a specific zip code]

  2. [Show HomeMeta algorithms and omni-channel marketing capabilities]. We can test the demand for your home before entering into any listing agreement.

  3. [Show the real time and remodel value for a home.]

These are three of our 35+ marketing tactics that we can deploy with a click of a button, to guarantee your success.

Social Proof: Provide evidence that your solution works. This can include customer testimonials, case studies, or data that supports your claims. Use social proof to build credibility and trust with your viewers.

Don't just take my word for it - check out what some of my past clients have to say. [Tab over to Zillow → Select a testimonial → state a problem that you overcame → should be aligned with current pain points, ie., replacement property & rate lock → read the testimonial]. As you can see, I have a proven track record of delivering exceptional results, irrespective of market conditions.”

Call to Action: Once you've demonstrated the value of your product or service, it's time to ask for the sale. Make a clear and compelling call to action, encouraging your viewers to take action right away. This could be a button to purchase your product, a phone number to call, or an email address to contact.

“So, if you're ready to sell your home and get the most out of your investment and stress test the demand, click the button below and schedule a meeting with a local home expert. We will help you achieve your real estate goals and get the best possible price for your property with our pre-seller framework.”

Recap: Finally, recap the key points of your VSL. Remind your viewers of the problem you're solving, the unique value of your solution, and the urgency of taking action now. Use this opportunity to reinforce your call to action and encourage your viewers to take the next step.

“ If you’re homeowner a that needs to list your property or a seller unsure about the market and why your neighbor's open houses are swarmed with buyers. If these questions are on your mind I am here to offer you the best methods to make your home sell faster, with a proven way to get 9.9% more than what a typical real estate agent would. With my assistance, you can sail through the process with a sense of ease and realize your real estate objectives. Seize the chance of success by booking an appointment with me by clicking the button below. There are no risks involved, and you have to experience it to understand it!

By following this framework, you can create a VSL that's engaging, persuasive, and effective at driving meetings while you perform you keep your agents working on their queen bee role.